bits of red, but mostly just neutral tones. i like that neon cardigan a lot, but it's a pretty memorable piece so i don't wear it that often. it seems silly that i only wore it once this month though!
oh the glory of it all by sean wilsey. i gave up on this book a couple years halfway through it since it's kinda a brick of a memoir and the kid is a total punk. i picked it back up as an audiobook to keep me company in the car and it's definitely making sitting in traffic a bit better. the kid is still a punk, but i'm over it.
london travel books. we're going across the pond in may, so i'm making lists of things that we didn't have time for when we went five years ago.
the limpopo academy of private detection by alexander mccall smith. my mom and i love this series of books. they're easy reads and the characters in the corresponding tv series were exactly as i had pictured them.

vince fine-gauge v-neck sweater: $76 via ebay. i wear my other vince thin sweater a ton and although this one isn't as soft, it's still pretty good. (seen here)
old navy colorblock cotton sweater: $16 via oldnavy.com. old navy always tempts me with fun sweaters like this and then i read the description to find out that they're stupid acrylic/polyester/i'm-going-to-pill-after-you-wash-me-twice blends. this one was cotton and is a perfect lightweightness for spring. or, well, i mean late winter layering.
gap geometric print tee: $22 via gap.com. i managed to misplace my other triangle-print shirt at some point in the last year, so this was an easy decision.
j.crew factory ponte pants: $56. i like leggings, but i'm a grownup, so this is how that works out. at normal j.crew these are called "pixie pants" and have the zipper on the back instead of the side. i actually like the side zipper better since it avoids any backwards pants confusion for me.
madewell sweatshirt dress: $118 via madewell.com. i resolved this month to buy some pieces specifically for the traveling that we'll be doing in may. i still need to work on buying walking shoes, but this dress seems the perfect spring/summer frock.
march total: $288. i spent A LOT less in february, so this isn't too surprising.
p.s. check out the budgeting bloggers linkup over at franish this month.
i've been tagged for this five things thingamabobber a couple times now and it's about time i posting my five since i've enjoyed reading everybody else's posts.
[five things]
1. i peel my oranges all in one piece. the very first drawing class i took in college involved peeling an orange strategically in one piece and then drawing it for several weeks as it decayed. so, now it's a thing. and i eat a lot of clementines.
2. i'm getting married in less than two months and it still hasn't hit me, even though i've been getting daily rsvp updates. i feel like i should be freaking out or something, but instead i'm just making lots of lists and wondering things like "how many balloons is way too many?" (slightly too many is what i'm going for.)
3. i firmly believe that mashed potatoes are the answer to many problems. hunger, headaches, bad days at work, cold weather, receiving too many potatoes as gifts, etc. "mash it" is always the answer.
4. i associate songs very heavily with activities/events. taylor swift's "i knew you were trouble" makes my abs hurt just thinking about yogi bicycle crunches (since i realize how weak my core is every thursday night to that song). lcd soundsystem's "all my friends" takes me straight back to grad school and hijacking playlists at parties just to make sure that this song was always played. the decemberists' "california one youth and beauty brigade" makes me think of the very first concert the boy and i went to together in LA. it was also the first time i left work early on a friday and i thought it was the bee's knees. i still do actually. i also still think he is the bee's knees (see number two above.)
5. i mix around and combine words all the time. i've got the boy portmanteau-ing it up with me lately pretty hard core. when you're grouchy and lazy you're a "grouch potato". when you're snacking on cucumbers you're "snackumbering". back in high school on long runs for lacrosse, i used to reverse the first sound of people's first and last names (bill clinton is kill blinton, demi moore is memi door, tom hanks is hom tanks) for miles of running. bonus fact, i played a sport once! it was the height of my athleticism. now i only participate in competitive athleticism once a year for charity.
cardigan: target (exactly)
dress: theory (similar)
belt: j.crew factory (similar)
tights: legale
boots: target

creative: this art teacher necklace makes another appearance.
young: this shirt has zippers at the shoulders to make it off-the-shoulder, but for work it definitely stayed all zipped up. excessive young-ness was therefore avoided.
professional: for a long time i steered clear of the black pants+colored top combination for work because it seemed so boring, but this easy combination was perfect for getting stuff done around the office and this shirt is sooooo soft. i have a definite weakness for cheap, modal shirts. the softness gets me everytime!
find more posts like this one over yonder.

pants: j.crew factory (exactly)
hoodie: love21 (similar)
moto jacket: forever21 (similar)
flats: old navy (gap version)
giant red bag: j.crew (exactly)
sunnies: c/o firmoo
[three things]
1. i got these spiffy new sungoogles in the mail from firmoo and they're a great turtoisey alternative to my usual rayban pair. and they're the perfect size for my tiny face. score. they're still available at firmoo and you can get your first pair for free! i decided to just get a regular pair of glasses tinted 80% brown since i rarely wear my prescription glasses, but there are all sorts of cray-cray colors to choose from to mix up your glasses game.
2. how did i not own red pants? i had magenta and orange pairs, but not red.
3. i bought these spotty flats last year from old navy and now their twin is available from gap. hmm.