this week, the fbff crew is answering questions about inspiration.
1. which celebrity (celebrities) do you look to for fashion inspiration?
i don't follow celebrities at all, but i do get inspiration from characters that celebrities play in movies.
like summer, in 500 days of summer |
or like the brothers in the darjeeling limited (they make me want to wear gray fantastically)
2. when it comes to your own personal style, what inspires you? i get most of my inspiration from other bloggers. in my little grad school world, most people dress very casually and/or in all black and gray.
my buddies from undergrad (in black and white for emphasis, they actually wear color quite a bit)
3. how do you hope to inspire your readers? i'm starting to realize that i'm on a mission to show that remixing can make pieces take on a whole cast of characters instead of being typecast into the same outfit over and over. my "previously on" posts are meant to show all the different ways that i wear certain things.
remixed chambray like whoa
4. outside the realm of fashion who/what inspires you?
i get color inspiration from all sorts of places--books, posters, color wheel assignments from the graphic design class i'm in this semester. adobe kuler is also kinda amazing.
theory reading inspiration
5. and since Idol is ending… which songs inspire you?
i'm not an idol fan, but i do like to listen to music in the morning when i'm picking out my outfit. lately it's been a lot of the Xx, broken social scene, and faded paper figures.