more red than usual, lots of pants, and that theory dress a bunch of times.
my first grown up suit from theory and a bunch of random workout gear. i've been going to yoga three times a week, so i've been adding to my stretchy pants collection (instead of doing laundry more often.)

more red than usual, lots of pants, and that theory dress a bunch of times.
my first grown up suit from theory and a bunch of random workout gear. i've been going to yoga three times a week, so i've been adding to my stretchy pants collection (instead of doing laundry more often.)
- dave egger's zeitoun. i finished this while getting my hair did and my stylist told me "i only read funny books...really only tucker max books" and then we didn't talk anymore.
- sarah vowell's unfamiliar fishes. i find her hilarious, but her voice always irks me on this american life, so i'm not entirely sure why i picked this up as an audio book. 7.4 hours later, i know a whole lot more about the history of hawaii and do not hate her voice anymore.
- david sedaris's squirrel seeks chipmunk. not my favorite sedaris book, but still good.
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