Sunday, January 2, 2011

dash of tights

i've been getting some questions on my formspring (over there, on the right sidebar) about my tights, so here's a summary of my not-pants knowledge.

for colored tights: welovecolors nylon/lycra microfiber tights and american apparel opaque pantyhose are the best ones i've found.  for me, cheaper versions snag super easily and/or aren't a saturated color once they're stretched out.  sometimes i will layer a pair of darker tights under a cheap pair to make the color better.

for staying warm: i live in a snow climate and i'm a shiverer, so in the winter i layer.  and then i layer some more.  and then i put on a scarf.  i rely heavily on uniqlo heattech leggings and tees for my base layer.  this season i found some sweater tights at target that are like footed leggings (the opposite of footless tights) and are pretty warm.  also, i have been known to wear socks over tights.

to wash them: i really should handwash all of them, but that doesn't happen.  i run them with the rest of my clothes in a mesh bag and then airdry them on a drying rack.  

other questions?  leave a comment below or drop me a line at dashdotdotty at gmail dot com.

to everyone who responded to my closet cleanout post back in november, i have finally packaged up the stuff and it will be leaving my house this week.