dress: lc lauren conrad (similar)
heels: merona (exactly)
bag: marc by marc jacobs (exactly)
necklaces: light in the box and forever21
[three things]
1. i bought this dress three years ago when i was in grad school and it has made quite a few appearances over the years for fancy events and i even dressed it down once.
2. it was quite possibly the perfect dress for one of my favorite people's bachlorette party that was a combination of eating huge plates of italian food and going to a drag show. i was a bit more dressed up than the rest of the girls, but i'm convinced that rose-colored sequins are perfect for any occasion. and a good break from the usual little black dress.
3. you would not believe how much i can fit in this purse. there's a bottle of water, a gift for the bride, a cardigan, and a pair of flats in there. it's like mary poppin's carpetbag. all i need is a floor lamp.

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