Friday, February 28, 2014

budget: february

winter outfit

remember when i made a bunch of big pronouncements at the beginning of the year?  (the post is way back here)  it's basically the same old "quality over quantity" deal-e-o, but i put some strict restrictions on myself to cut out the cheapies entirely.  so far i have not broken my rules at all!  i also might have started going in the grocery entrance at target which has stopped clearance shoes from ending up in my shopping cart mysteriously.  this month, i added three new things to my closet and sent a ginormous bag to thredup (join here or read my review back here), with a second one half full already.  there need to be a lot more net loss months to get my wardrobe where i want it to be, but this is a good start fo sho.

february's three adds:

zara parka with detachable lining, $139.  i usually wait for zara's big sales, but this was totes worth it.

zara velour blazer with faux leather detail, $89.  i wear blazers A LOT and this might be the third zara one in my closet.

marc by marc jacobs classic q lil ukita bag.  (gift)  those are some serious made up words for a crossbody bag with a foldover flap.  i'm totes in heart with this bag though.  my black satchel was getting kinda sad, so this is my new everyday bag.

if you're nosy like me and like to see what other bloggers are spending, hop over to franish's budgeting bloggers.  you are welcome.