Sunday, June 29, 2014

dotty, kinda a big deal, and june shoppies

dash dot dotty

seriously, june bug, where did you go?  i even disappeared from this here lil blog for the last week!  oh, nose!  how will my sister know what i've been wearing to work?!?  

anywho, i started a new job (eep!) which is a gigantic change that i have been quietly plotting/scheming/negotiating for months.  seriously, mooooonths!  this also meant that i quit my old job and that turned out to be a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad two weeks.  but, it's over and maybe someday i'll give you all the reasons why you should never work for meanies.  (spoiler alert: the number one reason is that they're mean.)  

what's happening is that pretty much all my usual routines are totally different.  i don't really know how to explain it, but basically i switched from driving to walking and from a small firm to a big firm.  also, i can wear jeans whenever i want.  (eep again!)  and so i bought a bunch of new dresses.  yeah, because that makes sense.  i haven't done a budget recap in quite awhile, so i thought i'd better document my month of ridiculous shopping.  i have somewhat of a disclaimer/post-rationalization though.  first of all, in april and may i didn't buy much.  i was really busy at work and just didn't find much that i liked.  secondly, my job switcheroo included the payout of a chunk of vacation time that i could never get scheduling approval for.  this resulted in a treat yo self (yes, tom and donna style) type of situation since christmas break never happened last year.  

madewell sketchpoint tee dress, $98.  (seen in this post)  it's a giant sweatshirt.
two: madewell transport tote in english saddle, $168.  (seen in this post)  it's a train-commuting champ.
three: madewell morningside shiftdress in leopard sketch, $128.  (instagram'd on my first day)  it has very friendly spots.  and pockets!

june_budget four: banana republic ikat shirtdress, $66.  (seen in this post)  it's a big print and that's a big deal for me.
five: gap two-band sandals, $37.  (seen in this post)  they're crazy comfy.
six: gapfit breath mesh panel tee, $19.  it's a post-yoga-and-i-want-a-giant-frappucino kind of tee.june_budget seven: j.crew camille dress in black, $84.  it's a grownup work dress.  and it plays quite nicely with big necklaces.
eight: j.crew linen tee in amazing, $28.  fantastic and amazing are pretty much my favorite words, so this had to happen.
nine: zara asymmetric neckline dress, $60.  it's a thinking ahead purchase for a fancy pants cocktail party we're going to in a few weeks.

oh, hey!  peek into other blogger's budgets over hurrrrr.