Saturday, July 31, 2010

dash of turquoise (and red)

tank: target (usually gym-ish, but i got really hot in about june and started wearing it like it's real clothes)
shorts: target
turquoise belt: thriftedly awesome
scarf: caesar's palace (no, not an actual historic site, but rather a themed gambling/scarf buying venue)
nails: opi "big apple red"

on a bajillion errands with my sister (she also happens to be my current blogographer!)

dotty actually goes to work on a friday

top: kenar
jeans: forever21
sandals: sam edelman

dress as top: daryl k-189
jeans: forever21
heels: nine west

Friday, July 30, 2010

dotty manhandles a traffic cone

blazer: theory
stripes: target
pants: j. crew
sandals: dexter

work, coworker lunch with all the interns, more work, errands and dinner with my sister and the short stack

Thursday, July 29, 2010

dotty wears pink

ruffled pinkness: forever21
knit skirt: thrifted
all sorts of brown ribbon: leftover from a hat re-banding
flats: target

work to pick paint colors + then cereal shopping

+ one month until the boy and i are reunited in a colder climate!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

dotty turns for departures

top: forever21
pants: j. crew
flower shoes: target
big flower pin: self-made

sad trip to the airport, uneventful day calculating daylight

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

dotty wears a tunic to work

tunic: thrifted ($2!  huzzah!)
jeans: forever21
flats: steve madden

neapolitan pizza + an afternoon at work 

stripes: target
skirt: half of a forever21 dress
cardigan: old navy
shoes: navid o nadia
ginormous bag: banana republic
peapod necklace: gift from the boy via etsy seller, sudlow

noooooodle dinner, book browsing, + froyo fo sho

dotty goes to dinner

dress: daryl k-189
shoes: colin stuart
bag: nine west

fancy pants dinner for six

Monday, July 26, 2010

dotty wears stripes on a saturday

tank: target
skirt: half of a forever21 dress
sandals: sam edelman
flower earrings: gift from the boy (from etsy)

to an amazing goodbye pool party for me and the boy.  (i'm sticking around for another month, but he flies out this week.) 

Sunday, July 25, 2010

dash week #nine @work

the office temp went above 90 every afternoon this week, so i took to wearing gym tanks to work.  i also drank a couple gallons of peach snapple and felt nappish about every twenty minutes. 

Saturday, July 24, 2010

dotty on a friday

chambray shirt: gap
jeans: forever21
sandals: sam edelman

to work on a friday

Friday, July 23, 2010

dotty goes gray

tank that usually only sees the gym: target
knit skirt: thrifted
silver belt: old navy
sunnies: rayban

work in an office with broken air conditioning

gray tank: target
ruffley skirt: target
sandals: dexter
sunnies: thrifted

80s party shopping, birthday present shopping, british dinner eating

Thursday, July 22, 2010

dotty wears a scarf

tank: target
skirt: bottom half of a forever21 dress
flats: steve madden
scarf: thrifted in vegas

today's scarf:

previous scarf adventures:

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

dotty at the half

dress: collective concepts
wedges: madden girl + gray paint on the wedge

dotty wins

pink ruffles: forever21
cropped pants: j.crew
gray flats: steve madden

the air conditioning broke at work today and someone offered to trade me their gray polo shirt for summer ruffles.  luckily, i wasn't swindled into exchanging ridiculous pink flowers for a business casual staple.  

ruffles: 1
pony game attire: 0

Monday, July 19, 2010

dotty goes to la

shorts: target (similar)
top: forever21
sandals: dexter
big scarf: souvenir from london
flower hairclip: h&m

watts towers visit (if reyner banham loves them then i do too), lunch at umami burger, window shopping with the boy and his sister, driving back from california

Sunday, July 18, 2010

dash week #eight @work

still thirty for thirty-ing, still skipping out on working on fridays, still unable to venture outside without my sunnies.

dotty at the pacific

chambray shirt: gap
navy skirt: the bottom half of a forever21 dress i chopped in half because i liked the bottom better than the top
big hat: liberty of london for target
+no shoes!

drive across the desert, pickup at LAX, fritto misto in hermosa beach for gorgonzola walnut fusili, beach for sunburning (not me, just the boy because i am the worst sunscreen applier ever apparently), and introducing the boy's ginger sister to self-serve froyo.

i just love the two people running into the ocean on the right side of the above photo.   

Friday, July 16, 2010

dash of yogurt

swis721 cn bt (one of my top five sans serif fonts) text photo from my 289 project

dash of tailfeathers

leelawadee text, photo from my 289 project 
(okay, some people take a photo every day for a year, but my years have only 289 days)

and we're off to LA again this weekend...third time in two months.