it's recap time again! let's start with the outfits from the last month:

wearing: um...pants more than usual. i really liked the outfits i posted this week that used forgotten shiny/sparkley/holiday things. and i'm starting to get used to wearing tights again, but pants are more practical for me at work a lot more lately.

- lululemon no limits tank in split pea: i wanted to try out some fancy yoga gear, but the lululemon site didn't have the right combination of style and color in stock, so i turned to ebay for some neon thrills. $55.99 (with shipping).
- theory crackled print silk dress: i had a stash of t.j.maxx gift cards from lydia's giveaway and credit card rewards, so i splurged-ish on this fancy dress instead of buying a bajillion random things. $15.71 (after it was all said and done).
- mossimo foil print sweatshirt: i'm pretty sure that no one likes this sweatshirt besides me, but i'm working on buying pieces with more personality...and well, yeah. it's already appeared twice on the blog, so it's definitely a big deal. $19.99.
- reiss portia contrast back shirt: the boy spent a week in dubai this month for work and brought me back this galactic shirt with a tail on the back that looks fairly amazing with jackets of all sorts. $0.00 (gift)
- j.crew factory dorset hobo in vibrant flame: i posted about red bags earlier this month and finally decided on this super simple bag. it's a little bit bigger than what i was looking for, but that just means i can carry around more snacks and mittens. $110.60 (with promo codes and such)
- merona gray cropped skinny dress pants: after climbing down a makeshift construction site ladder in a pencil skirt and steel-toed boots last month, i decided it was time to wear pants for site visits. i already own these pants in blue, so i knew they would tuck into man-boots well and the price point was perfect for the dust/goo that i'll inevitably get on them. $24.99 (and i bought icecream bars in the same visit!)
- november total: $227.28.
reading: i just started listening to life of pi in the car and am back to the wind-up bird chronicle since i still haven't finished it. bah!
going: to yoga. a lot. i agreed to try out a yoga studio with a co-worker/friend/more-friend-than-co-worker mostly just to be nice, but with a little smidgen of curiosity. i thought i would feel awkward and hate it and fall over and fall over some more. nope, not at all. turns out i have found my ideal physical activity. i absolutely adore it. and hot yoga, which i thought was total crazy sauce (even though i liked always feeling warm when i lived in nevada) is my new best friend. even though the seventy degree differential is killer when i leave the studio, it is such an amazing experience. i've had spurts of athleticness over the years (lacrosse in high school, racquetball and broomball in college, several failed relationships with treadmills along the way) but none of these left me feeling this good.
okay, that's enough talkies for me until next month...happy (almost) december, y'all!