it's monthly recap time!
finishing: unpacking! there's one lone box lingering in the dining room (because it's full of spilled oats) but other than that everything is put away and organized-ish/hidden in a closet.
beginning: fall wedding season! one of my favorite people from vegas is up first and then the boy's old roommate later this month.
going: to the left coast for five awesome days of celebrating, eating, beaching, and celebrating some more.
wishing: my big sister a very happy golden birthday! (it's today! and i get to see her TOMORROW!)

that's us on her wedding day seven years ago...somehow there are like fifty photos of us high-fiving and only a few normal ones.
reading: a lame sauce structural engineering review book. i get excited for the quizzes, that's how awful studying for my next exam is.
shopping: at nordstrom rack with co-workers this past month. sometime last week i had a moment where i thought "man, i dress so boringly so much of the time." and then i had a girly happy hour martini and went and bought four pieces that i'm totes excited about. maybe i just needed a lil bit of newness.

wearing: hmm....i'm not really seeing any themes in this month's outfits. we were moving/unpacking/working too much for most it, so my creativity was a bit lacking. i wore white a bunch, so there's that. watch out, labor day, you're not going to stop my light neutrals obsession!